Why We Homeschool

Firstly, let me start by saying that anything negative, weird, odd or non-conformist about my family stems from me.  My husband is the nicest, most normal,wholesome kind of person one can imagine.  He’s the one that balances my more unusual tendencies.

We stumbled on homeschooling because I hated school and I didn’t want my children to have to suffer what I did.  Bern is most likely dyslexic and Katelin, gifted.  Both are not ideal candidates for a one-size-fits-all kind of education systems.  Cian, the youngest, is also known as Master Disaster.  Can you imagine him in a class of 50 kids?  I also admit to feeling a small degree of sympathy for the teachers, were I to unleash my offspring on them.

I don’t know if my reasons for homeschool are necessarily right, but I confess my hatred for school started early and has never wavered.  University and college were totally different and not to be confused with the mind numbing, soul crushing, individual repressive environment of school.  I hated the subjects, i hated the teachers, I hated the situation and I hated the corporal discipline dished out at the the whims and fancies of a 5 foot despot.

ONLY ONE TEACHER has made a good impression on me and her name is Mrs. Ramani.  I found her by some stroke of luck and persuaded her to teach me a two year SPM literature syllabus in four months.  I scored an A1 and tormented her twice a week at UDA Ocean for 16 weeks.  She really disliked me at first.  She thought I was insane, impulsive and ill prepared.  She was at least partially right.  But I put up with her abuse because she knew how to teach.  She showed me the paths but let me explore them alone.  She criticised objectively and acknowledge progress fairly.  That’s all a student can ask for.

I really sucked at my first year of University, reading a BSc Psychology at Birmingham.  I really had no idea what to do.  I did my best to memorise and regurgitate everything my lecturers spewed out during those lectures but I kept failing.  I barely made it through my first year….and I was miserable and convinced of my innate stupidity.  Then in the middle of second a year, some random student said to me, “You know all the facts, yet I score better than you.  I bet it’s because I don’t just accept everything they tell me.”  And slowly, those innocent words wormed their way into my consciousness and began to work a change.  Was I really supposed to question the powers that be?  I had been told to shut up and beaten into compliance too many times to count.  Now, suddenly, it’s ok to question and critique?

By the time, I fully reversed my method of sitting exams and writing assignments, it was too late to save myself from the ignoble 2:2.  I was only 0.25% away from a 2:1 and I could have pleaded with the Dean for special consideration etc.  But I proudly retained that grade forever as a reminder to me that I will never again do things that way I was taught to by the Malaysian education system.

(I think many people escape unscathed and do well in tertiary education in spite of our education system.  However, I stuck out like a sore thumb from an early age and every attempt was made to insist I conform as much as possible.  I was tall, loud spoken, and an avid reader who corrected my teacher’s spelling mistakes, and puberty came early.  This combination of factors ensured every teacher to cross my path made assumptions about me before I even opened my mouth.  Not pleasant.)

Now that I am a parent, I have decided I don’t want my children’s personalities to be lost to peer pressure, teacher disapproval, endless hours in school and all the other drawbacks of mainstream education.  I don’t want them to be forever chasing someone else’s idea of ‘good’ or ‘A’ or acceptable and interesting.  If Bern thinks that watering the plants is riveting, then so be it.  Katelin loves to sing and make up songs.  In school, she’d simply be told to sing-a-long.  These are really very simple things to sacrifice for the greater good, I’ve been told.  Well, until you can verbalise what this greater good is and who exactly it’s good for, please spare me.  I like my plant watering, silly song singing, quirky kids.

Homeschooling is also attractive to us because

  • we’ll use less petrol going to and fro and waiting around for kids to emerge
  • we get to spend lots and lots and lots of time with our kids
  • we’ll go on holiday when we please instead of when the airlines feel like bankrupting us.
  • we the parents will learn new things
  • the kids can learn what interests and engages them
  • the kids will have more time for other activities like horse riding, fencing or dancing
  • less wasted time
  • they’ll eat properly with me, rather than the rubbish that is offered in school canteens
  • they’re less likely to continually be down with a cold or whatever some child in class is harbouring
  • they actually get to have and enjoy their pets

Sounds like a win win situation to me.

111 thoughts on “Why We Homeschool

  1. Hoorah! I can definitely relate to this. Like you, I did not fit into “the system” because as a boy I had too much energy to be sat at a desk crunching algebra which to date, I swear, I still do not comprehend. Luckily for me, I knew I wasn’t stupid. It’s just that I lacked the photographic memory required to pass exams. Like you, I scraped through but I did not leave the education system without battle scars of my own.

    I feel that there must be an alternate way to the readily accepted “normal” methods employed in shaping our young minds instead of demanding conformity and subjecting them to labels assigned to them at a tender age which would ultimately mould their beliefs of what they feelabout themselves and what they are capable of. I don’t think that any individual or institution has the right to take away the God given right to dream. As a matter of fact, alot of the great accomplishments in society are a result of dreams. The possibilty of flight was a dream. Imagine what would have happened if the Wright brothers actually believed that they were not capable of flying? What about Steve Jobs and the creation of the Apple computer? All these inventions opened the floodgates to things that are very much an important part of our daily lives. More impotantly, all these ideas evolved because man dared to dream… Kudos to you on your decision to take your childrens’ lives and place it in their own hands! We need to teach children that being stupid is not the same as feeling stupid. Being stupid is subjective.(Because most of the time the person or institution labeling the term on the person is stupid and that wipes out all credibility of what stupid means in the first place) Feeling stupid on the other hand, is just plain suppression by a system that was originally intended for use in societal segregation.

  2. It is a very daunting task that you have set for yourself and your kids. I admit that I would never have entertained that idea for a moment even.Partly becoz’ I need to bring back the bacon and also the mother of my kids is Chinese edu based and my kids live in a bilingual world.
    The challenges will be immense and I do pray and hope it will turn out well for you and the kids.
    Please remember we live in a world based on academia and paper qualifications. However much we rail against it and disagree with it, it is still a capitalistic world where earning and living a comfortable life entails doing well in a given job or occupation.
    I never knew you hated school that much or that you did poorly at uni. You did really well in all the public exams and wrongly assumed it was a breeze for you. How presumptious of us ‘all knowing parents ‘ huh

    Now please dun give me Job or v

    • With all due respects, Wong, I have to disagree. If there is one thing I’m going to teach kids is to (well yes, I am a teacher) NEVER treat education and learning as a means to a paper degree or that base term, “earn a living”. This is the 21st Century. Economics have changed and you are right about the fact that Business decides the shape of education. There will be a fallout, a big, bad fallout in 20th Century Industrial Obedience schooling simply because we are in the midst of a Revolutionary Economy.

      I might have stumbled across this late and perhaps by now you have come upon more information in business and economic trends to gauge my meaning.

      • I agree with Sloane. Let us CHOOSE not to be trapped and free our mind. It is a paradigm shift. If any of us needs inspiration, look at TED, look at the blooming flowers, look at www. The Internet boom shifts everything. A teacher is now a guide. We CHOOSE our path. As parents, we guide, inspire and encourage. Yes, believe in hope and it will turn into passion.

  3. A L Wong, as my favourite uncle, I am honoured that you took the time to read. I appreciate the concerns and I admit that I too have the same reservations. However, the world is constantly changing and we cannot know what the future will bring. However, I sense that those who can see material things for what they really are, ‘possessions’ will have a slight advantage. This is one of the things I hope to impart. Having a big semi D, two cars and designer bags do not equal being happy. Furthermore, these things are not the only manifestation of a ‘comfortable life’.

    Liking yourself, an unending desire to learn and and open mind are more likely to lead to true happiness. Family, good friends and a responsible attitude combined with a sense of accountability also add to this.

    Just a note, I don’t resent mum/dad/any parents for their assumptions. I think it is perfectly acceptable for parents to think they are doing their best for their kids. I don’t know any parent who would deliberately put their child in a situation that would make them unhappy. My immense dissatisfaction with school just means that I want something different for my kids. It is in no way a ‘comment’ on my parent’s parenting.

    • Like many our generation, our parents framed our future based on their past, based on the ships they’ve missed. It is incumbent upon us, those slightly edumacated and living in the wake of an Information Revolution, to leverage upon the relative abundance of information to be better informed than our parents have been about predicting trends for the future we are supposed to prepare our children for.

  4. congratz!

    congratulations for making this decision. I hope I can be strong enough not to conform to society when I become a parent later in my life. and oh yeah, like you, I discovered that Malaysian education system really just produce mediocre student. They don’t provide real remedial education to the lower ability students and just look at the non-existence of our enrichment schools. eventually the gifted students don’t have a chance to be polished and being pulled down to become like the rest and its hard for the lower of the strata to climb up. what have become of them? look at our society nowadays. the system and some of the teachers have failed them.

    • Ila, not just Malaysian education system – it’s the same cookie cutter system all over the world. You would have to dig deep and dig hard for 200 years worth of Industrial schooling. (Or I should just create a wiki with all the links I’ve come across….)

  5. It is amazing that despite the education system, some of us have retained our ability to think independently. Your experience is an eye-opener, one that the readers of the magazine I edit would benefit from. Would you consider having this piece published?

  6. Excellent! Pls email me directly at ambrosecheryl at gmail.com. I need a few details and I’ll explain about the magazine. Thanks!

  7. i wish i can do the same like you – home school my children. it is my dream but at the pace that we are now (in monetary terms), i won’t be able to leave the work for now and home school my children. i can only do that at night and during weekend. truly agree that malaysian education system produce mediocre students. i was one of them! i was timid and shy to express my criticism and sometimes i rather keep quiet that voice of things that are not correct in public. it was a shame, at least for me.

    keep writing and sharing your home school experience with us. God’s willing, one day i can home school at least one of my younger children.


    • God is willing, that is why millions are homeschooling. We are, the Resistance. I believe you will end up homeschooling and you will experience, like many unschoolers have, that the Will of the Universe will support you in all your needs. Ask, and it is given. The duty to raise our children, our gifts from God, to be all that they can be is above and beyond the material call of life.

      Many unschoolers have found ways not only to make a living but to eventually make an even better living due to the blessings of a homeschooling journey. Homeschooling isn’t about curricula and revenge of the “fallen”, it’s about a revolution in how we rethink society, starting with families, beginning with ourselves.

    • i do agreed that we are not brought up to express our opinions expressively and thus being supressed in many ways due to our traditions and culture. thats goes for the failure or non existance of R & D in malaysia.
      just look at the new syllabus for primary 6 / 2016 government schools now – emphasis on critical thinking. developing the mind, that’s constructive. this will inturn help in creative thinking. but what about the reading culture?
      we planned to bring in teachers from developed countries to improve our business language but we never implement. then we planned again to bring in tutors from developing countries where their fluency is international standard is superior but we hesitated. why? financial reason ?
      now, our education fraternity is talking about how to teach the Y generation.
      yes, we researched and brought in foreign consultants but isn’t researches are supposed to be followed by development?
      where do we stand now ?

  8. Hi. I was more than thrilled to find information about home schoolling in this page. It is very difficult to find such information that applies to Malaysian in the internet. I would like to home school my child in the coming years. The information that I would like to know is…is there any legal requirement for us to home school our kids? Do we need permission from the ministry of education not to enroll our kids to the national school? And lastly, how does home school children sit for qualification papers, e.g. o levels, a levels etc? Is there a syllabus that we can follow?

    Thank you in advance.

  9. hi,
    I’m another noncomformist mother with 3 kids. I homeschool and work from home and am looking for other noncomformist parents who take this alternate route to network with. could you drop me a line?


  10. May I know more about homeschooling? I have a son and am not sure where to send him for school. I like Chinese school for its competitive environment but at the same time I hate the piles of homework that he may have to do. I think it is crazy for a child to have no time to play and all they do is just home work and more of it.

    I am also very concern of the quality of our education in Malaysia. I hope someone will enlighten me about homeschool and how it is done and where I can find more information in KL area and yes! The legal expect of it – how to apply for exemption to do homeschool program should I wanted to enroll my son in homeschooling?

  11. like nana, i too wish to same and hope that i will be able to find the way to do so….how?i’m not sure myself…i’m a teacher and hv been one for 17 years now…frankyly, it is not an easy job…we are confined to follow the syllabus and, yes! very exam-oriented…we dont like the system n in fact condemning them everyday,sighing every time we completed one class..not because of the inability of the students to grasp what they learned that day bt the fact tht we are pretending that the students have done well in their tasks…we are forced to teach and train students to excel in exam bt at the end, the students didnt learn the skill t survive in the real world…nowadays are even worst, students are forced to take up subjects which are their interest and beynd their ability,why?to fulfill the requirement that 60% of the students shud be in science and n only 40% art…and tht can be very demanding figure for most rural sch…seeing this scenario together with the situation in sch…i fear fr my children…i hope and pray there will be some way for me to quit my job and embark into the journey of beyond learning for my children…

  12. Can I get some information of how to do home schooling? I remembered someone told me we have to apply for exemption from the education minister if we want to do homeschooling for our children?

    Please enlighten me?

    • There are many ways. You’ll have to be the Captain of the ship and decide for yourself what works for you and your family. Good luck and happy researching.

  13. It sounds good to study at home, but i worry abt the curriculum the govt has set up for compulsory activities for every student in order to get marks. Another thing is abt the social skill, what if the student study at home but can hardly train up him / herself for social skill?

  14. I would like to send my 15 year old daughter to home school. She is currently in government school but is extremely unhappy with the whole system. I would still think is best that she finish her PMR this year and move on to a home school next year. I just wonder if it is too late to move her to a home school. I am worried if I am making a big mistake.

    • It’s never too late. From my experience many “schooled parents” regret everyday having to send their children to school but I have yet to met even one homeschooling parent who has regretted homeschooling.

  15. Thanks for sharing this post. My boy is 13 mths old now, and lately this idea of homeschooling has been playing on my mind… Hmm… maybe its too early to think about it, but I quit my IT job so that I can breastfeed my baby for as long as he can (I’m still breastfeeding btw and yeap, not a speck of formula powder milk in our house since day 1!) and I was thinking what the heck,… maybe I should consider homeschooling as well? Hmmmm…

    Btw, my sis in law has 6 kids and she home school all of them! 🙂 I’m still researching for more info on the Net at the moment on the fun activities I can do with my toddler for now 😀

    • Good job for breastfeeding! However, leave your toddler be and let him play. That’s all you need to do. Children are so inherently curious and clever. It is us and school that makes them dumb and dull.

  16. I finally get to the end of the comments and time to post something original. (I’m still capable of that, sporadically, in spite of schooling. Yay!)

    I’m glad that you’re homeschooling, or as I prefer to put it, unschooling. Yes, neurosis is hereditary. Keep doing it for all the right reasons. Like my favourite Bucky puts it: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To CHANGE something, build a NEW model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

    For those questions on legality, etc. can check out learningbeyondschooling.org and homeschoolfrontier.com

    I was told that it only takes 5% to reach the tipping point. Every warrior counts.

  17. Today I find a couple of hours to come look at this page and the number of replies i have received is overwhelming! And extremely heartening.

    Foe those who worry about homeschooling being illegal, remember that it’s a big world and we are mere specks in it. Illegal today maybe revolutionary today. Also, I like to think that law enforcers have better things to do with their time, like catch peadophiles, murderers and corrupt politicians 🙂

    So chin up, stand proud and take the plunge!

  18. Stumbled upon this site while looking for alternatives. My 11-yr old son who’s in Primary 6 has just been told that he can’t sit for UPSR this year because he’s underaged. I’m dumbfounded. I’m angry. Whilst its good to read so many successful stories being shared online, I’d really like to speak and meet with someone who can help me find the light at the end of the tunnel.

    • i’m not sure i understand why you’re posting. and why is it so imperative he sits the UPSR this year?

  19. Well, Anna, I just met up with a few homeschooling parents in Penang and every now and then I meet up with homeschooling parents in KL, Selangor. My daughter is 12 this year and I’m not bothered about UPSR, PMR nor SPM at all so it’s a case of different strokes for different folks. Many homeschoolers do without the UPSR completely. The way I see it, if I want my daughter to do UPSR I can just buy any of those cheap workbooks with past year questions and see how she tackles them on her own sweet time – she’d get the learning anyway.

    Why bother with UPSR when you can start preparing him for O-levels? Students as young as 15 have completed their O-levels with flying colors.

  20. Hi…

    I thought I was STUPID all this while.. the truth is, the system make me believe that i’m stupid… examination over examinations.. and teachers call me problematic simply because I don’t SCORE A all the time… 🙂 I want to start homeschooling thank you for motivating me.. LOVE YOU

  21. OMG. reading ur story is like looking back at my life!! i SO. HATED. SCHOOL. i was called ponteng queen coz i’d routinely skip school on monday and fridays. and sometimes in between. i developed the art of psychosomatic illness. i’d rather stay home and read my dictionary or story books or encyclopaedia than tolerate the school. from kindy. anyhow… looking fwd to chatting. cheers!!

    • I am not much different. I am currently a Form 3 student and hate the malaysian education system for it’s lack of logical practical activities. (I could never bring myself to ponteng though, somehow….) Just thinking of school sends a chill down my spine, mainly because my style of thought differs so much from the system. I put much more importance on the application of the skills learnt than just memorizing a billion books for the sake of a certificate.

      Viva la homeschooling!!

      • It is the people like you who will bring change to our world. Good luck and be proud to be different.

  22. Thanks Sloane for your very comforting remark on May 3. My 15 year old daughter will sit for her PMR this year and I have decided to take her out of public school next year to a homeschool where she should concentrate & work towards her O-levels, then A-levels instead of SPM/STPM.

    Can anyone advise me where is the nearest homeschool I can send my daughter to, we live in Damansara Perdana. If possible I would like to also enrol my son, 5 years old in a homeschool to start off on the right track.

  23. Hi folks,
    My husband and I want to take our kids out of Chinese school and put them into an international school at some point. But we want to home school the kids for a year during which we plan to travel. To keep up with their education on the road, we plan to “homeschool” the kids. Any thoughts? When would be the best years to do this gap year? They are starting Std 1 and Std 3 in January 2011. What do you need to do to begin homeschooling? Get MOE’s permission? Thx.

  24. Suki,

    You don’t need the government’s permission. If we go to a restaurant, we are not happy with our meal, we walk out and say next time we’re going to another one. This is your child even more personal than a meal. The reason for compulsory schooling was an Industrial model to disallow parents to sell their children as child labor and to instill nationalism and industrial discipline at a time when cross-border migrations were frequent and wars happen every few decades. School was a training ground for the military (obedience, discipline) as well as factories (get used to routine, unrewarding work).

    Back then children have no rights. I don’t think the modern middle-class parents mean to harm or disadvantage their children by unschooling them.

    If you live in Penang we have a talk attended by over 50 parents on What, When, How, Why, Who of homeschooling on Oct.31 We also have one in Parit Buntar, Subang Jaya and Shah Alam, and later on Melaka, N.9 and Sarawak. Dates for other places will be announced later.

    If interested just leave a comment with intention to be in touch and the administrator of this blog can send me an email.

  25. You and others are free to contact me at penangcommunity@gmail.com

    We have a lot of workshops, talks, activities coming up for 2010. Our events are attended by professionals, working and SAHPs, to share over 20 years’ of Malaysian homeschoolers’ experience and knowledge. We are also in the midst of preparing a handbook for Malaysian parents who want to homeschool and to understand the history and future of Education.

    We are not a business nor will convince you to homeschool (that people will decide on their own) but to provide moral and knowledge support for people who may feel they are the only ones feeling the way they do. (kinda like Befrienders for Homeschoolers!) Homeschooling is a highly personal choice and we support the fact that strong families create strong children for a strong and healthy, functional society.

    In the meantime we are a source to network parents and form communities for homeschooled children. All proceeds go towards a charity we support and the setting up of future resource centers all over Malaysia for both gifted, special needs and regular homechoolers.

  26. Pingback: Why We Homeschool « Englishforasians's Blog

    • Just read your compilation! Awesome work. Keep it up. You make me feel like writing more 🙂 but unschooling is very compelling to read about unless listening to a mom rave about how her kids can tell different bird species apart is noteworthy 😉

      • I think you meant “unschooling is NOT very compelling to read about unless listening to mom rave about how her kids……etc” ?

        Go ahead! Writing is no longer exclusive – the blog has made writing a democratic process. It’s no longer about having to be “somebody” in order to write something that is “legit” as long as it is by our own definition.

        Sparking an innate drive in the intended target – that should be the goal of ALL learning.

  27. Hope you don’t mind. Featuring your comments here with additional notes. Hope you got the notification that the article has linked to your article here.

    • What do you mean? Homeschooling is about you, the parent doing research and taking things into you own hands. There isn’t anyone ‘in charge’ you need or should be talking to.

    • @ May : You could be referring to PLC21st Century Learning’s comment without indicating it. I attended the said event today. Brilliant!

      PLC is an informal acronym meaning Penang Learning Center but reflects tbe intention : Personal Learning Curve. Each parent/child/person has to undergo a learning curve in order to come out the other end more enlightened.

      There’s no person-in-charge just collaborators working together. I will write a report of my reflections on today’ event on my blog…….if I’m too lazy :D. Hope that can help you @ May.

    • Are you wanting to homeschool for religious reasons? Or a dissatisfaction with school? Either way, surely it’s good to have friends from all religious, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds?

    • Saw 2 Muslim couples. I know of more in KL. It would be great if all parents can come together and offer World Religion class!! 🙂

      I used to follow this American-Muslim scholar years ago who talked about H/S from perspective of Islam. I love it.

      p/s I am neither Jewish (as suggested by my name) nor Muslim…….nor Christian homeschooler…etc.

  28. I am thinking of sending my daughter to home schooling but i need to have more info about this field. If can, i prefer religious and schooling both under one roof. I also need to know around how much it cost per month?

    • @may: you should grab the whole idea of homeschooling. it is not like “sending” and “picking up” your kid after your working hours. If I may suggest, if you’re a muslim, if you understand the concept of motherhood underpinned by islam properly, mother especially are encouraged to be a medium of knowledge transfer to the children. so, if you’re a good muslim practicioner, wouldn’t it be great if you can you spread all the good religious knowledge to them and see they bloom by yourself? It’s all about you and your children, no 3rd party involve.

      btw, i am a muslim myself. and I support homeschool. problem is, i am still trying to conceive but will opt for homeschool once our little one arrive.

      to the blog author, you’ve done such a great and noble job 🙂

  29. Perhaps it’s a matter of diction but if you really mean either “religious” or “schooling” then home-schooling is not right for you. You would be much better off sending your child to Sekolah Pondok or Sekolah Agama because at least you can get the best of one type of school (state-funded/mainstream) rather than nothing.

    There is Homeschooling and then there are outfits disguising themselves as “homeschooling”. When you say “send your daughter” and ask about “cost” I think you’re referring only to outfits disguising themselves as “homeschooling”. These outfits generally do a poor job in achieving BOTH the outcomes of homeschooling and mainstream schooling.

    It would be a waste of time, investment, and precious resources if you keep thinking of homeschooling as outsourcing learning to a 3rd party. Homeschooling is A LOT MORE than just wanting a better education than what is offered in mainstream state-funded schooling. If homeschooling is as simple as “better system” then it wouldn’t be worth the debate and consideration it’s been receiving.

  30. My boy is 5 yrs old, he is one yr in advance based on Local Kindi course, had also sat for std 1 and std 2 papers in certain subjects. Due to age concern, he is not accepted to mainstream primary next year. His Kindi teacher told me that it will b a pure waste should he be made repeated K2 next yr. I worried about discipline and manners in Int school. Should i put him on home school instead? How should i start about? Does it mean that i hv to keep very close track to syllaby in mainstream primary?

  31. Greetings! It was so wonderful to stumble across this blog! I homeschool here in the US, and its great to see parents everywhere embracing homeschooling!
    Blessings to you all!

  32. I have two kids Hannah (10) and Joseph (8) in a Chinese primary school. I am struggling over the decision whether to home school the. My main concern is costs.
    Can someone please advise?


    • The cost depends entirely on you. You can spend as much or as little as you like. But don’t take my word for it; do your research! It’ll change your life.

  33. If you want awesome pre-made c.c. then, according to homeschoolnewbie it’s around USD300-400 per year, not more.

    Alicia, meet my friend, Catryna! —>> homeschoolnewbie.

    • Hi!

      Sorry for taking so so so long to reply. As you can tell, I’m not a compulsive blogger 🙂 Hope the HSing is going WELL!

  34. Hello,

    I am a single mom with four boys age 13, 11 (twins) and 9 years. I recently moved to a new place and had to change school for my kids. Unfortunately, my eldest did not get the school I wanted (near home). I have been seriously thinking of homeschooling my boys but the fear of me being a working mom in a Montessori Kindy from 8.00 am till 3.00pm is holding me back. But after reading the posts above, I am taking the plunge to homeschool all my kids. However, I would like to know if my primary school going kids will have problem as the PPD has given the school transfer form and I have submitted it to the new school.. Can anyone let me know if there are any homeschoolers in Ampang so I can receive some ideas how to homeschool while I work or the ideas can help me with juggling with my work and my children’s homeschooling.

    Thank you and awaiting your response.


    • urgent:
      If there’s any chinese primary’s parent. pls let me have more info on homeschooling.
      pls contact me 0173692963

  35. Hi there,

    I would just like to know, how do you go about starting home school? what age?

    I have only started enrolling my little girl, Maya 2 years and 7 mnths to a Chinesse Taska in Kota Kinabalu. I am self employed and a full time working mom hence rather than letting her spend the whole day at home with maid until I am back from work, hence thought sending her to a 1/2 day school will at least keep her occupied and not just stay at home. And I sent her to a chinesse Taska and my dad is Chinesse and i couldn’t speak chinesse, thought would be an advantage for her to be able to converse in Mandarin as well. And reason being self employed is to spent more time with my daughter, but at times, my job would require my full attention hence sending her to school in the morning and spending the evening with my angel.

    Usually when it comes to things that she’s not keen on trying, with persuasion and encouragement she would at least give it a try, eg food she doesnt like she would end up just sticking her tongue out tasting it.

    But since the 1st day sending her to school she never like it and she will always cry whenever she’s nearer to her class. Her class teacher would actually just get her from me and I will try and explain to her I’ll be back. Her Lao Shi would actually just hold her but at the same time distract her while I leave. As heartbreaking as it is hearing her crying from far, I tried to listen to my mind, saying “she’ll be okay after few days or at least a week after she made friends”.

    I was still sending her to school crying even on her 3rd day, but after awhile I waited outside her school I sneakily took a peek on her, she seems fine. But I do not want to have her crying to school every morning as her ‘routine’ as well. I’m not really so keen on just leaving my daughter crying at school and just let the Lao Shi “handle” her by just letting her cry and she would ‘keep quite’ at the end.

    At home, I have always believe that kids that age should be excited about everything, and if not they shouldn’t be ignored and should be encourage to try at least. but if one way doesn’t work, they should move on try a different method, there is always ways to get from A to B. I also strongly believe that by listening, kids would able to explore more and as parent, we would be able to teach them on how learn wha t they want to learn in their own way, as I believe that each kid has their own identity. How would a single teacher handle 13 kids in one class? How can they listen and teach them, guide them properly?

    Even on the most silliest question that my daughther would ask me, I will always her sensibly and in the most fun way. Public school though are so focus on book. Not sure if that is the most fun way to learn, but am not denying that books are one of the most solid way of learning.

    Studied in a public school, have of course give me certain degree of exposure in terms of socialising , but at the same sense, i’ve never been homeschool but I have a nephew and a niece who are and they are one of the most well mannered kids I’ve ever known. They seems to have loads of other external exporsure in terms of general knowldege and in terms of co curicullum wise, in a public school if you’re not good at atheletic stuff, then you’re that good, but what id you love horse riding, or even gymnastic? they don’t really have these in public school do they.

    I am still not sure to homeschool my kid but I am definitely not going to be removing it from my list either. As in Kota Kinabalu, unlike KL, i dont think that there ae sufficient groups of parents that does homeschool or even homeschool centers.

    Xx Neyna

  36. Hi.. My 2 daughters will be in yr 5 and 2 respectively next year; and son will be 4 next June. I gave up my career to be able to be with them more. My husband and I plan to transfer them to a nearby school to lessen the burden for them in waking up too early in the morning to attend school.
    The school they are attending now is an ‘intelligent’ rated; although I do not see them benefiting from this rating (especially the elder one). My kids are smart and full of questions and I guess their upbringing made them more outspoken; traits that sometimes do not go well with most teachers.
    I have contemplated in having them homeschool; but need more info and wonders whether there is a support group available in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
    I would like to get in touch with other parents whom are interested in homeschooling as well.

  37. I am not a fan of the mainstream schooling, especially here in Hong Kong, it takes all we can do to get into a super fierce competitive so called good schools in the city, and the kids are often drowned with tones of age-inappropriate school works! Schools are pushing parents to push their kids to do work with staff way beyond their “age-pabilities ”…. So the schools continue to shine and looked impressive!!!
    Having said that, I am always concern about the peer socialization experience that lacks in the home school setting… appreciate if you could share your thoughts

  38. Hi,
    I finally home school my son since that’s what he wanted. He has no friend and school to him is a nightmare. he is happy and he is enjoying his life. I prepare him for igcse o level and he like animation and gaming and he writes and draws a lot.
    I consulted a lot of people and i believe that’s the best for him and so far it seem to be the right choice.

  39. I also thought I was stupid all this while.. you make me realised that the system make me believe that i’m stupid… examination over examinations and comparison.. and teachers call me BODOH simply because I failed all the time… I want to start homeschooling for my daughter thank you for motivating me.. I am a Christian. I don’t fit in anywhere because of my race. Having a hard time finding a school that won’t force religious study down my daughter ‘s throat. She’s gonna be 5 this June and start complaining that the teachers makes her study and study and learn and no time to play..she just started pre-school in Jan, but i gonna trust the Lord to guide me to do homeschooling starting May 2012. Have to give up my current job and giving 2 months notice effective today!!..Thank you and God Bless..Love ya!!

  40. I really like what you said and how you said it, and totally agree with why you had to say it. My 9+ daughter is very much like you when it comes to conventional schooling.Tall, outspoken and having so much trouble fitting in. They just don’t get her. So I am going to pull her out of school and let her chill for a bit. After all, one should stop trying to fit in when one was born to stand out! I am now on this near impossible mission to transform “education” not reform it.

  41. Pingback: Homeschooling my girls in Malaysia « A Mother’s Monologue

  42. Hi all
    I have loved reading all those posts. I am too about to embark on the journey of homeschooling my five yearly daughter. I am currently based in Penang. Are there any other homeschooling parents out there who live in Penang. I would so love to meet up and start getting together a homeschooling group. Thanks

    • Your concerns are certainly valid but it’s up to the parents to make up for that. The internet has made the world a smaller place and our kids have many friends and a very full life with playdates, activities and excursions. And their teachers are EVERYONE from my grandmother to the crafters we meet the the craft fairs.

  43. hi,
    I was totally agree with you.
    I really hate school and all those homeworks.
    We really dont have much time for fun and others activity.
    Go to school at 7 and be home at 2 or 3pm.
    Do all the homework, tuition and thats the routine for every weekday.
    I really support homeschooling.
    Since i became a mom on 2010, HS keep playing on my mind.
    My daughter is almost 2 now, is that too early for that.
    Im a full time mom now, and working on my own company so i have the flexibility in working time. Btw, my daughter is still BF so thats why i love to be a stay at home mom.

    But, i really dont know how to start with HS?
    How can we make it legal? what is the procedure?
    Its really hard to find parents that HS in here at kota kinabalu.
    Your web was great with all those information.

  44. Hello Alicia,

    Pls continue blogging on this subject. It’s priceless for the mindful. So thanks much.

    There are some things that I despise about the formal schooling system:

    1. They shove their versions of god and religion down our kids’ throats – personally I believe god and religion should butt out of the schools
    2. They make us buy ugly school uniforms – for the preschoolers especially
    3. They sell expensive but lousy food in the canteen
    4. They make us buy all kinds of unnecessary books – I know it’s a big business
    5. Etc.

    Consequently, I am seriously considering homeschooling my 2 boys who are 10 and 6 this year.

  45. Hi Alicia,

    I’m a mum of 3 boy’s age 15, 12 and 6. I would like to know more about this home schooling system and how it works. Do you send them else where or you home school them at home? I checked that if we send them else where to home school it’s so expensive, I don’t mind teaching them at home because I’m a housewife. What’s the schedule like? What about the normal and major exam’s? Do I have to inform the Education Department about my decision to home school my kid’s?

    I intend to home school my 2 younger boy’s next year, my second son will be in form one and the third boy will be in standard one. Their schools are side by side but the secondary boy will be in the afternoon session and the primary will be in the morning session. My eldest boy will be sitting for his PMR this year and he hate’s going to school, waking him up in the morning is a night mare. He love’s sports and he s into football, so I’ve decided to let him continue with the school.

    I agree with Ismail about the religion subject, I’m a convert and I don’t wear a tudung but when I go to school to take report card’s or sport’s day, I wear decent clothes (baju kurung, jeans and t’shirt long or short). One day my second boy came back from school I think he was in standard 3 or 4 told me what his agama teacher said, if I don’t wear tudung my hair will turn to snakes and I will go to hell, I told my son never mind at least I can change my name to Medussa. So from now on I tell them that it’s not necessary for you to pass your agama test. Hubby is pure malay and he decided not to send them to agama school because he himself didn’t go. As long as you pray and you know certain verse from the Al Quran is fine.

    Another recent is, recently I’ve commented on the Kementerian Pelajaran’s Page on Fb, I said that teachers zaman sekarang panas baran and will simply beat our kid’s, getting pregnant because of the 3 month’s paid maternity leave, fine if you have 2 or 3 kid’s but must you have more than that, they complaint that they don’t spend enough time with their kid’s and always in school, so don’t give birth to more than 2 kid’s, like that they can pay more attention to them and also I said they makan gaji buta. I find that’s true because I see my neighbour who is a secondary school teacher in the morning session always updating her status and commenting on photo’s and etc, mind you she is not friends with me on Fb but I like to play detective. Commenting about being tired and sleepy, what to cook for dinner, what to wear for the wedding coming up during the weekend, need a holiday, how the student’s irritating her and so on.

    Okay the teacher’s in Malaysia have created a Page attached my Fb email together with my photo, I’ve read the comment’s and was so depress, I had to take 3 sleeping pills to sleep or rather not get up in the morning and it didn’t succeed, my eyes swollen and I looked like a walking talking zombie etc. I was so disturbed by the comment’s, teacher’s are commenting and a few had even walked on the ground’s in Mekkah, calling me, hubby and my kid’s stupid, wanting me to die in a road accident, calling me names even wanting to hunt me down and get my kid’s out of school. It’s my fault I deserve it because I didn’t use the word “SEGELINTIR”, but still they have no right to curse my kid’s, they didn’t do anything and I myself never even curse their kid’s.

    So, please Alicia get back to me ASAP, I need to know how to go about it before next year. Thank you so much.

    • Dear Nurul Ain

      The consideration to homeschool our kids is one of the effects of knowing what’s false in the world today. The perpetrators tell us that without a university degree, our kids will amount to nothing. This is pure propaganda and subversion of what is true. We see loads of successful people (in their chosen vocations) without even a primary school certificate (my mom being one of them).

      I have a Bachelor’s Degree from the US but I don’t plan to send my kids to any university. Instead, I tell them nothing beats the university of life. I tell them there’s only four things they need to learn: Read, write, count and think. With those assets, they can chase their dreams, whatever they may be. I tell them that they were born to be free, not slaves to preset programs. I tell them to fear nothing, not even god.

      I also teach my kids that there’s only one race: HUMAN RACE. And one one religion: THE TRUTH. But foremostly, I tell them to acquire knowledge about their true selves, minus all the man-made illusions. We watch very little TV except for NATGEO, good movies and some cartoons that they like.

      I still send my kids to school, but for different reasons than most. But the buck stops at the secondary school level. By then, I expect them to have a means of living and better than average reasoning capacity. And I am actively assisting them in these objectives.

      You have to know who you are to pull yourself out of the illusive matrix of life. Best wishes to your endeavor.

  46. I am so so sad to read your mail. I can understand what you are going through and I feel hurt and empathise with you. How dare they call themselves teachers! My children have been abused verbally and physically ( a stack of paper thrown from far and hit his face, twisting of ear till his specs dropped)many,many more instances that still hurt my heart. All the best to your homeschooling endeavour. God bless you.

  47. “As long as you pray and you know certain verse from the Al Quran is fine.” ? ..You really need to Jabatan Agama for further clarification.

  48. Hi.

    I am certainly looking at home schooling for my kids. They are 9 years old, 15 and 16 years old. They are boys and very active in dance, singing and school has been not easy for them especially for my youngest son. Moreover with all subjects in Bahasa. (it was easier for them when Maths & science were in English)

    I would like to speak to some one who can give me some ideas how to go about it. please call me.

    MARY 017-247 0495

    Thank you

  49. I have some friends who home schooled their children. All the children are doing well without the unnecessary stuff they are forced to learn. I certainly see the advantages of HS, off course one parent have to be home to HS the kids

  50. Hi Alicia..
    Your entry on HS has caught my attention and I truly agree that HS has lots of benefits towards the children and also the parents.
    I’m a student from a local university and I’m currently doing a research on HS and it would be a great honour to have your opinions on HS. Would you mind participating in my research?

      • Hi Alicia..
        The questions are basically to know the opinions from parents who have children that are homeschooled.. I can e-mail to you the questions and you may look through the questions.
        Thank you in advance, Alicia..

  51. Hi Alicia and everyone..
    I just want to know a few things about HS…
    1. What do you think the trends of homeschooling in Malaysia in the future? Will more parents homeschool their children?
    2. How technology factor (e.g advancement of education system today) which could be discoverable easily affect parents’ decision in homeschooling?

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