72 thoughts on “Ministry of Education and Homeschooling

  1. We are planning to move to Malaysia and my daughter is now in 9th Grade here in the states, we would like to home school her in Malaysia, are there any advise you can give in terms of having the right thing for her when we are there. Reason that we have opt to have her home schooled is because of the fees and also our profession as Ministers of God. We are being sponsored, and do not wish to have my daughter stranded where school is concern. Hopefully, you can furnish us with sites that can help us over there.

  2. Hi, I would like to know more about home schooling and how to go about with it. I have a 15 year old daughter. When she finished her standard 6 she scored 5As in her UPSR exam and was offered to enter boarding school. But due to the social problem we are facing with our teenagers nowadays, I was very afraid to let her go. Therefore, my hubby suggested that we sent her to learn arabic and later send her off to Middle East as there are some of his relative is staying there and manage with couple of teenagers continuing their studies there. But after 2 years of arabic classes, with the caotic in the middle east at the moment, i tried to enter her to be enrolled in private school. To my surprise, no private school wanted to enroll her as they said since she’s already 15, they can’t accept her to sit for her PMR as she has to catch up with lots and tonnes of subjects…. Therefore, please advise me on the home schooling and how to go about with it.

    • hi hazrina,
      One way is to look at the IGCSE courses or the GCE O levels courses which is same as SPM. Getting a 5 credits and your 15 year old daughter will be off to a private college like Taylors or others. Your daughter can check it out with the British Council here in KL. She can study at home and get some private tuition to go with that. Don’t waste your time to sit for PMR. Go straight to IGCSE. Ther is no age limit for sitting these exams. I know a student who got 4A and 2B for her GCE O levels at the age of 16. She is now in a private college doing her A levels..

  3. Hi Alicia,

    Thanks for all your sharing. Did you actually write to the Ministry of Education for permission to home school your kids?


    • Nope. I figure there are thousands of more important things for MoE to do than worry about my kids. Hope they stay busy and we stay under the radar.

      • well-said. let’s all stay under the radar until one day there are people come knocking on the door and ask for an exclusive interview or that kinda of thing. hi everyone, I am Harn, 26 from Banting.i am currently having plans to build a homeschool in my hometown, have lots of great ideas in terms of learning syllabus and outdoors stuff. look me up on facebook, Tee Chin Harn or teeharn23 on youtube. thanks!

  4. Our son is 8 years old and he goes to SJKC. We would really like to home school our son. Do we have to inform and get permission from MOE? Can anybody share their experience with us?

    • Hi my son is years old non MAlaysian citizen but i do, as he quit schooling and started homeschooling we even be bothered to get permission.Well he is much happier than went to school and get bullied everyday recived punch in the belly.While my friend son has been bullied, to drink toilet water in the same school.I quickly remove my son, before things went far.Anyway my 8 years old son love to learn far and beyond what structured school has offered.He upset everyday, when he spen his energy at wrong enviroment….Do you think the MOE, knows your child psychology best then us as own parent?Gud luck guys, dont borther what ppls tells you.Parents instict are best!-Miriam Stoppard

  5. Salamalaik…. kakak saya ada 7 orang anak.Paling kecil 5 tahun dan yang sulung 15 tahun. Tahun ni hanya seorang sahaja di sekolah tahfiz yang lain anak2nya di ajar dirumah. Kakak saya mengajar sendiri anak2 di rumah dan ada sebahagiannya yang di carikan guru cth utk matapelajaran akademik. Banyak yang baik sebenarnya bila anak2 di homeschooling. Sebagai ibu kita mesti nak yang terbaik untuk anak. Anak bukan saja di ajar dalam matapelajaran akademik, malah sahsiah peribadi dan tingkahlaku lebih dimantau berbanding sekolah yang banyak gejala negatif. Malah anak juga diajar mengurus diri dengan lebih baik,berbanding di sekolah. Einstein yang terkenal dulu pun tidak di hantar ke sekolah kerana guru yang menerimanya semasa hendak di masukkan ke sekolah oleh ibunya menyatakan einsten bodoh dan lembab. Tapi tengoklah atas cabaran itu ibunya boleh menjadikan eisntein orang yang terkenal walaupun dia bukan muslim.

    • Ya..saya amat bersetuju dengan manies. Saya baru sahaja joined group ini. Harap tak terlambatlah saya beri komen. Sudah hampir setahun saya homeschool anak2 saya. Anak2 saya berumur 11 tahun dan 7 tahun. Saya mengalami pengalaman pahit apabila menghantar anak2 saya ke tadika dan sekolah rendah dahulu. Guru-gurunya memberi komen negatif tentang anak2 saya. Ada guru yg mengatakan anak sulung saya itu perlu dihantar ke kelas khas (semasa) dia di darjah satu. Alasannya anak saya itu tak boleh berkomunikasi macam pelajar lain. Anak kedua saya dikatakan lembap. Saya sudah menukar 2 tadika. Namun begitu anak kedua saya tetap tak tahu membaca. Jadi saya mengambil keputusan berhenti kerja sebagai guru di sekolah swasta dan mengajar mereka sendiri. Saya enrolled them in an online program from US. Setiap hari saya duduk di sebelah mereka dan mengajar mereka (membantu mereka memahami dengan
      lebih mendalam sesuatu topik). Saya tidak menggunakan sebarang buku kerja. Saya banyak bagi latihan sendiri supaya mereka mahir dalam sesuatu topik sebelum beralih ke topik lain. Saya mengajar atas dasar bukan untuk menduduki peperiksaan tetapi lebih kepada memberi ilmu pengetahuan.Saya kaitkan pembelajaran mereka dengan kehidupan harian manusia supaya mereka dapat praktikkannya di kemudian hari. Ini lebih penting daripada menghafal fakta untuk exam lepas lulus tak tahu apa yg mereka telah pelajari. Saya sendiri telah lupa apa yg telah saya pelajari dulu di universiti. Setiap kanak-kanak atau remaja mempunyai tahap pemahaman dan pembelajaran yang berbeza. Jadi kita perlu banyak bersabar dalam mengajar mereka…tak kira secara formal ataupun informal. Anak kedua saya sudah boleh membaca dan anak sulung saya telah menunjukkan keputusan akademik yang jauh lebih baik berbanding semasa dia berada di sekolah dahulu. So happy homeschooling to all the HS parents out there.

      • Assalamualaikum,
        wow Shyabas.Allahmdullilah. Anak saya pun homeschooling, tak belajar menghafaz di mana mana tahfiz.Tapi semasa berumur 6 tahun sudah mula menghafza yassin…skrg mengahaf surah al Baqarah sambil memamhami tafsiran….bukan setakat itu, malah dia sudah panadai menulis dan membaca jawi dgn sendiri…….dia belajar online kami bayar annual Biritish academy.Di mana dia lebih berminat…….kerana meragkumi isu sekarah British, vitorian Roman dan ancient Egypt.Di mana semasa dia besekolah tahun 2 , sek Intl membosankan diaman tahun 5 baru belajar sejarah victorian.
        Mathnya saya tidak mengikut key sate 2 British level tetapi dia lebih cepat sbb itu skrg beliau mempelajari gade 4 .Saya cadang dia mempelajari algebra akhir tahun ini.Sambil tu dia sudah mula mengkaji virus, dan mula memnjawab buku biology IGSCE level ttg virus itu adalh minat nya selain mengkaji Astronomy…….Dulu dia di buli di sekolah kerana kebijaksanaan mengatasi anak anak yg lain …menyebabkan dia stress.Saya selalu menangis melihat dia kurang minat ke sekolah..suatu hari kami bincang biarkan dia homeschooling.Ternayta dia lebih cepat belajar darab dan bahagi di rumah….ternayata anak saya lebih cepat dan happy dari di buli danhilang minat ke sekolah….Homeschooling bukan adalah penamat bagi kes bili mebuli di sekolah.Skrg tiada siapa yg mengejek ngejek kerana kelebihan beliau.Allhamdullilah
        Oy ya, anak saya belajar beyond dari apa yg di adakan di sekolah dgn bayaran yg mahal…dan guru yg suka mengkritik sahaja.

    • i started teaching my son ABCs and numbers since he was 6 months and started showing him youtube videos on phonics when he was 12 months. even though he just mostly chew on the books i bought him at that time, by the time he was 18-24 months, he was already able to cite A for apple to Z for zoo, recognized alphabets and count 123 in 3 different languages. now at 26 months, i’m already teaching him syllables and hope to teach him read and write by 3 years old. well, my mum taught me to read at that age too. just make sure d kid had fun when u teach him.

    • we all know even the most qualified students in malaysia struggle to get scholarships if they are not the right….type of person.

  6. Hello Alicia,
    I have three children, Elyssa (9 years), Gregory (6 years) and Sarah (3 years). I would like to home school all three of them. Elyssa has slight down syndrome and she is attending a special school (which she finds boring..sigh). I would to have the option of home schooling the kids. I appreciate any assistance you can give me.
    Cheers, joyce

      • Hi, my eldest daughter been diagnosed as mild autism. Now she not going to school and I would like to find a home schooling for her

    • There are few home school resource centres in Penang. One of the more established ones is in Tanjung Bungah. You may get some helpful information from them. Here is the contact: +6012-26710135.

  7. Is homeschool allowed in malaysia???… as far as I know according to Dasar Pendidikan Wajib by Malaysian’s MOE… children age 6-12 are required to attend school for whole 6 years or the parents will be jailed…

  8. My daughter is 6 and goes to SJKC (Standard 1 this year). Have read up on the legal requirements (applying to MOE) and all that. But what if I just wanna homeschool her (based on the conditions, we don’t quality), how do we get out of the system?!! Go under the radar? Can share some experiences?

  9. Hi there,
    We’ll be moving to Malaysia later in the year with our 5, soon to be 6, year old son. Not too sure where we’ll be based as my husband’s employer has not yet given us that information, nice!
    Our son is currently at school where we live in Malta as school is compulsory here and he’s been at kindy in China (we travel a lot and this will be the 6th country we’ve lived in since our son was born). In between we’ve unschooled and had great results. A happy, well-adjusted, bright boy.
    Could you tell me what your day to day experiences of homeschooling have been? We’re English and both teachers so not so much curriculum or materials questions, but more how is homeschooling viewed? What is the first reaction you get from strangers when you say you homeschool? It is what? Or wow?

  10. Hello!
    I’m a science student currently in Year 11. I was from a government school last year therefore I was following the Malaysian syllabus. I made a really late decision to change from SPM to IGCSE. At first, I was not able to find any school which would accept me due to them taking their IGCSE exams in May and even I thought I needed more time to keep up with Year 11 and revise Year 10 topics. Now I’m attending an International boarding school who accepted me as the school takes the near year-end IGCSE exam instead. I find nothing hard on catching up with the new syllabus. In fact I think it’s easier than SPM itself. Unfortunately, I am being bullied severely, verbally and physically and even reaching out for help is useless in that school. The stress is causing a lot of health issues and I really don’t know how much longer I can take it. As of now, I really want to take IGCSE but I don’t want to attend the school and the only choice I have is home-schooling. I would really appreciate if you could help me by telling any necessary information regarding this. Please, please help me!

  11. Being advised by friends to look for homeschool, so here i am. Is this legal? Is this homeschool “thingy” follows the syllabus taught in primary school and up to date? Who is the teacher? How about exams and certification? What’s the best age for homeschooling?

  12. Dear Alicia,

    Thanks for all the information and resources and links! My baby is only due in 4months but am really excited about the thought of teaching her myself at home (along with other children, by God’s grace) in the future! Will look up for more information on this and hopefully my husband (who thinks that lifelong friendships are generally and mostly built over the secondary school years) will be convinced that HS kids too have many deep and meaningful friendship and socialization and joins me on this adventure to show our kids the world. Keep up the good work! 🙂


  13. My son is 10 years old with dyspraxia (slow learner for most subjects but fast learning ability in art and music) Where can I find a home school or tuition centre for home school kids which is near to Ampang? Do you have a list? Or you can e-mail me at aidalimka@yahoo.com

  14. Why is home schooling not legal when we are still teaching our children? I am puzzled. I am also considering home schooling my kid. He is in Chinese school now but I think he cannot fit in with the method he is being taught or discipline – beating, more beating, emotionally tortured. I recently heard him telling me his teacher even pull the children shirt while scolding them. I checked with other kids and parent of his classmate and all have the same say about the teacher’s behavior. I was furious and shocked. Is that the right way to treat a child and set a good example?

    I can understand he may have misbehave at times like talks a little or small petty misbehavior but does he needs to be treated this way. He doesn’t have problems with some classes like English and science as he likes the teachers who don’t beat much. I asked him why is he talking and misbehaving like singing to himself in class. He said he is bored in bahasa class as he cannot understand. I said you should ask if you have difficulties understanding. He always have the same excuse- teacher will scold, beat, etc. It seems he already has a preconceived idea of how it would turned out. He mentioned the teacher did explain in Chinese but as he is also not very well verse in chiense he also have difficulties understanding. I talked to the teacher telling her to try to explain in English if he still cannot understand to help him overcome the boredom then perhaps he will focus more and behave better. I am not sure it will help. I am monitoring my son emotional state and might just opt him out if he cannot cope. He has no problems at all in his other extra private classes.

  15. Hi Alicia,

    Would you think 13yrs turning 14 be too late to start HS? He will be in Grade 8 this year. As the school he had been going since pre school, the academic standard had dropped. Just a bit worry about his disipline,as i m a working mother, will not have the time to be with him whole day. advisable for me to take up HS?


    • Hi Cindy

      This is a question only you and your son can answer. My answer would differ from child to child. They are so unique it’s hard to say what works for one will work for another. Good luck!

      • hi alicia,
        well my sister she is 17 years old this year and will be taking SPM at a government girls school..well my parents changed her to a girls school when she was 15yrs old..before this she is in a co-ed school..she is really shy and have some major self esteem issue..my parents thought that maybe when she is surround by girls at her age she will be alright.well certainly that impression was wrong..she complains to me overtime…and this worried me and my mom..what should i do?if my mom change her to another school or maybe private school that seems impossible since she is in her final year of schooling..can my mom home school her?what should i do?

      • I think you need to consider how important it is to have the PSM qualification (i.e. if she needs to go to form six)?If she is going to a private college or wanting to work, she could either do take another year or so and IGCSE’s as an independent candidate or get and appreticeship/placement in a field she is interested in. Part of HS is realising there is more than one path to success and college does not guarantee anything.

  16. Hi Alicia,

    My name is Halim. I am planning to homeschool my only daughter. She’s 7 years old. Before that, I need your advice on my questions below:
    1. How to further my daughter study into tertiary level once she’s ready? Is there any exam to go through?
    2. How to find suitable curriculum?
    3. Is there any homeschool society/network in Johore Bharu?

    • Do visit the malaysian homeschooling network blog and ask to be added to the facebook group. it’s your best bet for getting in touch with HSers out of KL. A suitable curriculum will depend on what your priorities are. And if she wants to go to university, you’ll have to look in to things like IGCSE’s or IB programmes.

  17. Hi Alicia

    I am a working mummy with 2 kids. The second boy is aged 6 this year and we are exploring the possibility of sending him to home school structure centre in kepong. is there any? Thank you

  18. Hi Alicia,

    Great blog. We are fellow HSers. We home school both our boys 13 & 9 y.o. since the beginning of 2012 out of frustration towards their so-called international school and the need for my 13 y.o. 3 hours daily music practice. It went well so far but I did take on a contract for the last 8 months and had less time teaching. We end up doing the school at night and the boys doing the music and religious studies during the day. However, the contract is ending in 2 1/2 months and I will allocate more time for them soon.

    Lately we are concern about the socializing aspect especially for my 13 y.o. He has friends from his orchestra group whom he met once a week, his English class that he attended, also once a week and of course his online gaming buddies. However, we do not sense a strong friendship with any kids. Do you have any information on other HSers parents or a group of KL HSers that we can connect with and probably have my boys mixed with other HSers.

    Hope to hear from you.

    Best regards.

  19. my cousin sis is 16 this year, in her form 4.. due to certain family issues she has to move to penang. she is experiencing certain psychological issues so i think it’s better to home school her. But i do not know whether she still can take IGCSE? she is suppose to take her SPM nex year but she is not in a good condition to face crowds as that might make her uncomfortable.. is there any way to register for SPM without attending to sch in this one and half year?

  20. Hi, I’m Indian Muslim, My brother is studying in Grade 7 in CBSE. we r relocating to Malaysia(we r staying in serdang).can you say nearest study centre for him.I want him to join in IGCSE syllabus. What are the procedures? can he get student pass? what will be the Fee structure? I want him to go regular classes.will it be a drawback when he join college? please some one help..any contact number of studycentre,will be appreciated! Thank you!!

  21. If I wish to homeschool my child, I still have to write in to MOE? Will MOE go and hunt parents for not sending their child to traditional school?

  22. Hi there I’m a foreigner and I want to take the O levels but I don’t want to attend school,im 18 years old and I am under the second home program. Is it necessary for me to get approval for studying with a tutor for the O levels or it isn’t? I read somewhere for secondary school you don’t need to attend school. Do in my case what should I do.. Please help

  23. This is my first time comment. At here, law of Malaysia was strictly in sending children who was 6 or 7 years old to carry on the eucation but it is not pointing to any particular type of education for children so as a parents , we should not be problem in home schooling as long we teacher them but maybe in different environment only.

  24. Hi, I got 2 boys; 3yrs and 1 yr old. I have no faith in our Malaysia education standard. Do u mind to share with me the syllabus you are using to home school your kids and if you mind for us to pay you a visit on how u did it?

  25. Hi everyone, my name is Soobrina Sevestian. i’m 16 years old and i hate going to school. i study in SMK Seksyen 1 Bandar Kinrara Puchong. I have a lot of issues in school with my “friends” and because of that my health is getting worse day by day. I don’t feel welcomed at school. Anyways, I would like to study at home by myself and do my exams as a normal student. Is it possible for me to that? My parents are currently busy so they will be writing to the ministry next week. i don’t know anything about homeschooling, so can anyone help me? Thanks! 🙂

  26. Hello. I have a 7 year old who will be going to a normal govt school starting next Tuesday. We went for his orientation yesterday and he hates it. His teacher can’t speak well in English and he was teased for wearing short pants! At the age of 6 he still baby talk a bit and based on his “very expensive” kindie teacher said he needs a one to one teacher for him to understand and focus to his learning. Sadly the expensive kindie has failed to teach him after 2 years going there. His ABC and Alif Ba Ta is solely from youtube video and the teachers don’t bother to correct his pronounciation. I have thought about homeschooling him for quite a while but I was unsure how and where to start. And more over we will be shifting to another state in a couple of months time and I wish to homeschool him. Can you please give me some advise or guide on this please.

    • There are options for having assessed professionally. Is he speech or developmentally delayed? Best to learn more so you can help him. The sooner he gets help, the better for his long term outcome.

  27. Hey, I’m want to apply for the homeschool but when I went to the Pendidikan to take the form, they said they have none. They even contacted Pendidikan from Kuching. But all I got was the guidelines papers……. what should I do?

    • I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean you wish to apply for permission to homeschool? If so, what age is your child?

      • No, I’m applying for the permission of homeschooling for myself. And I’m 15. My Dad works oversea and Mom was superbusy. They decided to do this because I have society anxiety disorder.

  28. Hi, i’m a 14 year old student in Kuala Lumpur. I’m studying in a public school but i wish to be homeschooled instead due to problems I have in school. I had asked my parents but they’re not so convinced. I had done my own research and homework to find out all the pros and cons of homeschooling, the options my parents and I could have as to how to go about in doing homeschooling as well as its legal status in Malaysia but still to no avail. They would like to meet someone (preferably a parent) who is/has actually homeschooled their children. So I would like to ask to any homeschool parents out there to please give me your email/send me an email and perhaps discuss with my parents regarding this issue. I desperately wish to be taken out of the government school as the stress and pressure is practically eating me alive. My email is tsxzara@gmail.com. Anyone’s help is much appreciated. Thank you.

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