A mother’s point of view

Tonight, I am tired.

I want to do more with the blog.  The whole direction has changed and I want it to be more than just a heap of information.  This is where I will tell our story and sometimes, share useful information.

When I first began, I had these ideals of being useful and helpful.  I wanted to be someone people could turn to for information and advice.  Nowadays though, doing right by the kids and my family, and work and the pets….it’s about all I can muster.

Am I giving up? Finding it too hard? Faltering?

No.  I’ve just crossed an invisible line where I realise that the whole homeschooling thing is so… infinite.  It’s a (w)holitsic thing and the very dynamic of our family, our friendships, priorities and lifestyle, it’s all beginning to shift.  I’m not sure exactly what these sublte changes are and where we will end up, but we’re OK with that.

I love how our lives have changed for the better.  The kids are sick less often.  Maybe it’s less exposure to germs, or maybe they’re eating better.  It’s a chicken and egg thing.  I love reading to them and hearing their thoughtful questions.  I love being able to admire their kind hearts and quick minds.  I love watching them play and imagine.  I love how they care for each other and stand up for each other when I get mad at one.  I love being able to tell them it’s not OK to tattle tale.  I love it all.

But it’s a lot of work.  And I am just a little tired tonight.

Ken Nesbitt Poetry for Kids

We have been using this site for ages but my tired mind has failed to register that I have not yet blogged about Ken.  He’s a good looking young man who write hilarious poetry from kids.  Our family favourite is still Snow Day, which Eric Herman popularised by putting it to music.

And here’s an example of his humour.  It always makes the kids laugh and Bern has been saying he wishes he could read (YAHOO!) so he can read the poems himself.

A Pug is a Dog

A pug is a dog
with a curlicue tail.
He eats like a hog
and he snores like a whale.
He's flat in the snout
and his belly is big.
The pug came about
just by misspelling pig.

–Kenn Nesbitt